Contact & Visit InformationSchaefer Charter School
1370 San Miguel Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 522-3015 Fax: (707) 522-3017 Schaefer Charter School encourages parents and members of the community to contact us and visit our school. Please contact us with any questions, comments or suggestions you may have. If you’re planning a visit, please check in with our front office upon arrival. In the interest of student safety and security, we must know if you are planning to be on school property during school hours. Our office is open from 8:00 - 4:00. If you would like to call in an absence, please contact the Absence Hotline at 522-8917 ext. 4 and leave a message with your child's name, the reason they are absent, their teacher and/or room number, as well as your name. If you would like to directly email a teacher, click here to see the staff directory. |